Down On the Vegas Strip
Down On The Vegas Strip
Miss Fortune World: SS Beauty, Volume 6
Kamaryn Kelsey
Published by J&R Fan Fiction, 2018.
Copyright © 2018 by Kamaryn Kelsey
All rights reserved.
This story is based on a series created by Jana DeLeon. The author of this story has the contractual rights to create stories using the Miss Fortune world. Any unauthorized use of the Miss Fortune world for story creation is a violation of copyright law.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author and the publisher, J&R Fan Fiction, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
Also by Kamaryn Kelsey
Mercy on the Bayou
Sour Honey
Miss Fortune World
The Identity Inquiry
Catch a Falling Spy
The Treasured Letter
Miss Fortune World: Mercy on the Bayou
Wrong Turn
Shot in the Park
Spare Ribs and Cold Cuts
Miss Fortune World: SS Beauty
On The Bayou
Bound For Hell
In The Shadow
Fast and Blue
Adventures In Babysitting
Down On The Vegas Strip
On The Mountain Of Hope
In-Laws, Outlaws, and Uninvited Guests
When Worlds Collide
On The Wagon
Snapped, Cracked, and Popped
City Girls Don't Camp
It's All Relative
The Missing Morrow
Boot Camp Beauty
Miss Fortune World: Wholly Moses!
Murphy's Flaws
Up In Smoke
Filthy Stinking Rich
Mo's Motel
Cast and Catch a Fortune
Dubious Deliveries
Dirty Deeds
Triple Threat
Pandora's Shoebox
Oh, Shoot!
The Murphy Girls
Tricks and Trouble
Hit the Road, Jo!
Out of the Storm
PB & J
Pary Barry & John- The New Neighbor
Pary Barry & John- Who Can You Trust?
Pary Barry & John- The New Job
Pary Barry & John- Partners
Pary Barry & John- The Team
Pary Barry & John- The Body Drop
Pary Barry & John- Now We're Cooking
Pary Barry & John- Running Away
Pary Barry & John- Life's Lessons
Pary Barry & John- Pigmalion
Pary Barry & John- He Says, She Says
Pary Barry & John- Who's That Girl?
Pary Barry & John- The Ex Games
Pary Barry & John- The PJ's/ Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Cookbooks and Crooks
Pary Barry & John- Targeted (#6) & BLT (#7)
Pary Barry & John- The Honeymoon (#17) & Designer Family (#18)
Introduced by Karma
Crazy Like Me
I Love You- What's Your Name?
Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
Also By Kamaryn Kelsey
Down On The Vegas Strip (Miss Fortune World: SS Beauty, #6)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
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Author's note:
This is Book 6 in the SS Beauty series and is not intended to standalone.
The series is not about Fortune Redding, Sinful, and the Swamp Team. SS Beauty is Sandy-Sue Morrow and the series is about her and the life she makes for herself.
This is a work of fiction. Other than Jana DeLeon's original story elements, the characters and names are creations of the author's imagination.
The S.S. Books revolve around Morrow's niece, Sandy-Sue. She tires of her European vacation and comes home early, to Morrow's dismay. Wondering about her inheritance in Sinful, she takes a bus trip to check it out.
Morrow sends Matt Meadows, who has done security work for him in the past, to keep an eye on her and to keep her from crossing paths with Fortune, and blowing Fortune's cover.
At this point in her life, Sandy-Sue decides she's leaving the past behind, along with her name. She shortens it to Sady (sometimes she uses Sassafras or Sassy, the name she first gave Matt in book one of the series.) I took the liberty of giving Morrow a first name, John, since he makes appearances throughout the series and it didn't make sense for Sady to refer to him as Uncle Morrow.
After the adventure in Louisiana, Morrow sends Sady to work for two former operatives, now retired and operating their own business, Knight Investigations in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Harry and CJ Knight are a husband and wife team.
Character descriptions:
Sady Morrow- Tall, slender, with long brown hair and big brown eyes. She often uses beauty pageant skills on the job. She is sweet, and sometimes goofy. However, she's intelligent and can been tough, when necessary.
Matt Meadows- Tall, dark, and handsome. Matt sometimes uses Sady's pet name, Sassafras.
Amanda Keller- Sady's best friend. Short, full-figured, and mouthy. Amanda has an eye for men. She loves to rile Matt and uses the nicknames Stubbles and Blue Eyes.
CJ Knight- Short in stature, with clipped gray hair, green eyes, and an even shorter fuse. CJ is impatient and lethal with her hands. Even though she's small, she keeps them all in line.
Harry Knight- Hot dang handsome with Siberian Husky light blue eyes, a stunning white smile, and good build. Amanda calls him Handsome, and he is- even though he is bald. Harry looks out for his team and plays the big brother/ father to Sady.
The stories behind the supporting characters are developed throughout the series.
Chapter 1
"So, how's the weather in Vegas?" Sady asked CJ during a videoconference with the Knights, who were out of town.
"Perfect for a second honeymoon," CJ said with a giggle. Sady flipped her eyes to Matt for confirmation. Did CJ really just giggle?
Matt gave Sady a wicked grin and mouthed, "Watch this." He turned to the screen with a snort. "Second honeymoon? I'd say that happened close to twenty years ago. You're way too old for a second honeymoon."
Harry's face popped onto the screen. "Wanna bet? Every day's a honeymoon when you're married to the perfect woman."
"God, I'm gonna be sick," Matt muttered to Sady. CJ's head reappeared on the screen, and she stuck out her tongue at Matt.
"What did you do with the real CJ?" Matt asked Harry. "Because that woman is not the Candy Jane I know."
"How's the weather in Michigan?" CJ asked with a hint of malice, ignoring Matt's taunt.
He scowled. "Colder than Hell, by a couple degrees. Over a foot of snow, and gale force winds. They should declare this a snow day... with pay. Right, Sady?"
Sady had left the conference to check her email. She gaped at her computer screen with her mouth hanging open. Matt called her again, "Hey, Sady." No answer. "What's wrong?"
Sady motioned Matt to shut up and get over to her computer. "Hang on," Matt told the Knight's. "Sady probably has the blue screen of death again.
" He sauntered over to her laptop, and his jaw dropped. He and Sady exchanged a worried look, and Sady shook her head vigorously. Matt returned to the videoconference.
"Is everything okay?" CJ asked. Matt gawked at her not knowing what to say.
Finally he cleared his throat. "Uh, Harry. So, how are the clubs? Any in particular you'd recommend... to avoid?"
"What's that supposed to mean?" CJ snapped.
"Uh, oh. She's back," Matt hissed to Sady. "What do we say?"
"Would you like me to reach through that screen and squeeze your throat?" CJ asked. " 'Now what do we say?'," she mimicked. "About what?"
"I'll let Sady fill you in," Matt said, shoving her in front of him so she faced CJ.
"Coward," Sady accused Matt.
"Listen, if someone doesn't tell me something soon it will get long distance ugly in a hurry," CJ threatened.
"Okay," Sady said. "Just don't blame me." Matt stuck his head in front of hers and said, "Make that us."
"Now," CJ demanded.
"Have you checked your email?" Sady asked pasting on a bright smile.
"No. We're on vacation, and that's why we're checking in with you," CJ replied, her impatience obvious.
"Okay, but maybe you should put Harry on first. Maybe not." Sady closed her eyes and held her laptop up to the video conference camera.
"Very funny, you two. Matt, I have no doubt you're the mastermind behind this little joke," Harry said.
"It's no joke, Harry." Sady moved her laptop to speak with him. "I just received that email. There's more if you want to see them."
"That's not possible, Sady. Someone is having a laugh at my expense," Harry replied calmly.
"Not according to the sender," Sady told him. "The email says, 'I can ruin you and make your life miserable. I'll be in touch'."
CJ pulled up the email account on her phone. "She's not kidding, Harry." After a moment of silence CJ cleared her throat. "Uh, we'll get back to you." They finished the conference.
Matt and Sady looked at the sequence of pictures showing Harry in bed with a woman who was possibly a stripper... at best. Sady didn't want to imagine the worst.
"I guess Harry's getting lucky in Vegas," Matt said. "Ouch! That's going to leave a bruise."
Sady didn't hold back when she slugged his arm. She bit her lip and blinked hard. This couldn't be happening. Harry wouldn't do this to CJ... to them. If they couldn't make a marriage work what chance did anyone else have? Her imagination ran wild.
"Hey, take it easy," Matt told her, seeing her distress. "There's a logical explanation for this."
Sady gave him an astounded look. "How is cheating logical? Or do you have to be a man to understand that kind of logic?" She balled her fists again, and Matt grabbed her arms.
"What I'm saying is that either someone did a good photo-shop job, or he's being framed. We both know Harry would never do that. Plus, Harry's still alive. Also, CJ hasn't been arrested for the murder of a Vegas showgirl."
Sady looked relieved, and Matt let go of her. He rubbed his sore arm. "How long have you been boxing?"
She rolled her eyes. "Don't be ridiculous. A broken nose is fatal to the career of a beauty pageant contestant. A bruised arm, however, can be covered."
"I'll try to remember that," he said dryly.
Sady waited impatiently for a phone call from the Knight's. At quitting time they still had heard nothing.
"Why haven't they called?" Sady asked Matt.
"For the fifth time, they don't have anything to tell us," Matt said wearily. "Would you stop worrying about them? They can take care of themselves. Let's lock up for the night." He went through the building and secured it, setting the alarm before exiting out the back.
Sady stood by his truck. With a grin he said, "Aren't you glad I went with a four-wheel drive? You'd never have made it to work in your Mustang."
"I didn't think you'd ever give up that rental car," Sady replied. "And leave Justin out of this. He's built for summer fun, like cruising... and racing."
"I refuse to call your car Justin. He's not much use this time of year. What good is a part-time car?" he scoffed.
"What's the point of a cab and a half truck?" she retorted. "Is the back for a half person?"
"Walking isn't crowded, Sady. Especially in all this snow. Is there anything else you'd like to say about my truck?"
"I love your truck. It's almost as nice as Justin," she said with a grin. "And I'll even admit it's better in the snow. How's that?"
"You just want me to drive you around when the weather's like this," he complained.
"Actually, I'd prefer to drive myself, so if you have an extra set of keys I won't need to trouble you." She aimed a hopeful smile at him.
"Nice try," he chuckled. "I’ve seen how you drive and if I have my way, you’ll never drive this truck. Unless I'm dead."
"How about if you're in jail?" she teased.
"Only if you're coming to visit me," he replied, settling the matter.
Sady tapped her fingers together anxiously. "Matt, why haven't they called?" He just shook his head, and she huffed. "Okay, if you want to be like that then I'll work on naming your truck."
"You're not naming my truck, Sady."
"Too late! How about Bertha? That has a nice sturdy sound, don't you think?" Matt didn't respond. "Bertha can plow through anything," Sady said, imitating an announcer. "She's built like a box, but can roll like thunder. She's the boss of trucks. Solid, dependable, built to last."
Silence greeted her enthusiastic description. Sady waited. "Well, what do you think?"
"Don't give up your day job. Do you really think a man wants a truck named Bertha?" he asked.
“Hmm. You might have a point. How about this?” She changed her voice to sexy announcer and said, “Desiree, the truck of your dreams. She's sleek and built with fine lines. But she's not just pretty. Desiree can take you wherever you want to go... in comfort and style.” Again she waited. “Is that better?” Sady prodded.
"No. Now my truck sounds like a cheap hooker."
"Picky, picky. Do you have a better idea?"
"Yes. I call it a truck."
"You have no imagination, Matt," Sady scolded him.
"Oh, I have plenty of imagination," he assured her with a look that made her blush. "Maybe I'll name my truck Sady."
"You wouldn't dare," she breathed.
"Hmm. Yep, I like the sound of that- Sady the truck."
"If you name your truck Sady, I'll never speak to you again," she threatened.
"Now who's being picky? Okay, how about Sandy-Sue?" He swerved and yelled, "Don't hit me again! I was only teasing. I think I'll name it Sassafras. That name brings back good memories," he said with a smile, remembering to the first time they met.
"I guess it's better than the others," she told him grudgingly. "But don't get stuck on that name. I'm still working on it."
They hopped out in the parking garage of their apartment building. Sady pushed the elevator button, and the doors opened. "Aunt Sady! Uncle Matt!" Argus and Bea Davis, ages five and three, rushed to hug Sady. Bea also hugged Matt, but Argus reached up for a fist bump.
"That's my man," Matt said proudly.
Sady and Matt greeted Kristen, their mom, and inquired about her health. "Glowing and expecting in a few more months," she said with excitement. "It's a good thing Bea is finally potty trained."
"Good job, Bea," Sady said with pride. Bea held out a gooey, snot covered hand for a high five. "Uncle Matt wants the first high five," Sady said with an evil grin at Matt.
"Why not?" he said with resignation, reaching down with his eyes closed. He'd already endured a booger handshake from Argus the first time they met. He looked at Sady and muttered, "I guess she's graduated up the food chain."
Sady snickered, and Matt watched in horror as Bea licked her snotty hand after the high five. "You are so right," Sady hissed to Matt. The elevator stopped, and the Davis family exited. Matt looked for something to wipe
his hand on.. He eyed Sady's scarf, and she yelled, "Oh, no you don't!" She handed him a tissue.
"Why didn't you give this to Bea?" he grumbled.
"It was more fun to watch you deal with it," Sady admitted. The elevator opened on their floor, and they exited. Matt lingered at Sady's door as she unlocked it.
"Are you sure you don't want to invite me in?" he asked hopefully.
She pretended to think about it for a minute. "Yes." He grabbed the door handle, and she continued, "I'm sure I don't want to invite you in." She shoved him down the hall toward his apartment.
"One of these days you'll be sorry," he told her.
"Promises, promises."
"It's a deal," he assured her.
As he unlocked his door, she yelled down the hall, "Hey, let me know if you hear from CJ and Harry. I'm worried."
"No kidding," Matt mumbled but said aloud, "You'll be the first to know."
Chapter 2
Sady didn't fall asleep until after eleven. A few hours later she heard a sound in her dark bedroom. She reached under the extra pillow on her bed and pulled out her billy club. Someone was in her room. She'd have to find another place to live. This building had lousy security.
Someone turned her bedside lamp on, and she jabbed her club into the stomach of her intruder.
"Dammit, Sady. Will you quit beating on me?" Matt asked, doubled over and trying to catch his breath.
"Excuse me? I don't think you have your story right. Maybe I should have clubbed you on the head," she declared. "What are you doing in my room in the middle of the night?"
"Trying to wake you without the whole building knowing," he scowled. "I guess it's too late for that."
"Why? Better yet, how exactly did you get into my apartment?" she asked suspiciously.
"I might have a key," he admitted. "Strictly for your own safety, of course. Obviously, it's not working out for my well being." She continued glaring, and he said, "Don't blame me. It was Morrow's idea, just in case. I'm starting to think they should post your door with a warning sign."
"Stop trying to change the subject. What are you doing skulking around my apartment in the middle of the night? No, why are you waking me up in the middle of the night?"